πŸ“ˆ Is The Stock Market Rigged?

Plus: Apple stock loses $2bn

Good Morning!

Ever wondered if the stock market is rigged? Well, we've got the scoop on that age-old question that's been keeping investors up at night. Is it all smoke and mirrors or a level playing field? We're digging deep to find out.

And speaking of deep dives, you won't want to miss Apple's epic $200 billion rollercoaster ride thanks to a China ban. iPhones, government staff, and market drama – oh my!

We've got a hot tip for you, too. In a world of giants, we've spotted a tiny stock that's shining bright in the upcoming semiconductor boom. It's like finding a diamond in the rough, and we can't wait to spill the beans.

Grab your Venti, half-caff, triple-shot, no-foam, extra-hot, matcha macchiato, and let's get into it! β˜•οΈπŸ‘‡οΈ


Fed policymakers to sit tight on rates, debate if more is needed (3 minute read)
Before their big policy powwow this month, the folks over at the Federal Reserve want us to know a couple of things. First off, they're not exactly eager to start playing with interest rates like it's a game of Monopoly. But on the flip side, they're not popping champagne bottles and declaring victory either.

You see, they've been on a bit of a rollercoaster ride lately, raising interest rates by a whopping 5.25 percentage points in just 18 months! Why, you ask? Well, they wanted to put the brakes on our spending spree and cool down inflation, which was hitting 40-year highs.


Is The Stock Market Rigged? (9 minute read)
Many individual investors suspect that the stock market might be rigged. The perception of wealth concentration at the top often fuels this belief. In 2020, the wealthiest 10% of households owned 89% of all stocks and mutual funds, according to Federal Reserve data. This concentration of ownership raises suspicions about potential market manipulation to benefit the wealthy. Is this the truth?

Apple Stock Zaps $200bn After China Bans iPhone Use by Government Staff (2 minute read)
Apple might be facing some serious turbulence in China! Picture this: they usually sell around 50 million iPhones a year there, but now investors are getting sweaty palms at the thought of a major iPhone ban. The Wall Street Journal reported that Chinese authorities are putting the brakes on iPhone usage, especially for central government officials. That news hit Apple's stock like a ton of bricks – it took a 2.92% nosedive on Thursday alone! And over two days, it was a 6% rollercoaster ride down, wiping out more than $200 billion in market cap.

1 Tiny Stock That Could Be a Hidden Gem in the Coming Semiconductor Boom (5 minute read)
Alright, folks, let's dive into the exciting world of semiconductor manufacturing – it's like the Hollywood blockbuster of the tech industry right now! Now, meet the underdog in this chip-making showdown: Photronics (PLAB). They might be small, but they've got a special niche – photomasks, to be precise. It's like the secret sauce in the chip recipe! Photronics has been quietly doing its thing for the past decade, and guess what? They're not slowing down. 


Want to Retire With $1 Million? Start Saving by This Age (5 minute read)
We've all heard the retirement goal: a cool million bucks in the bank. But here's the twist – most don't have a clue when they should kickstart their savings engines. Well, guess what? The Milken Institute, those brainiacs over at the think tank, have spilled the beans.

If you want that golden million by retirement, you better start stashing your cash by the ripe old age of 25. Now, don't panic if you've already blown out 25 candles on your birthday cake; missing that mark won't sink your million-dollar dreams entirely.


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