📈 ETFs To Hold Forever

Plus: Zuck's back in the rich list

Good Morning!

First up, U.S. employment in March decided to do a high jump, leaping way past what the economists predicted. Then, we've got the 'Magnificent Three' of Vanguard ETFs. Think of them as the superheroes of your investment portfolio, ready to be bought and held... possibly forever? Like a good wine, they just keep getting better.

Now, hold onto your hats: Mark Zuckerberg's making money faster than we can say 'billionaire' – a mind-boggling $26 million per hour this year. That's right, he's swooshed back into the top 3 richest, probably while we were blinking.

And finally, we'll unveil the four best money moves for April. Because who doesn't want to spring clean their finances and maybe, just maybe, start making Zuckerberg-level money (or at least dream about it)?

Grab your iced chai latte and let's get into it! ☕️👇️
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U.S. Employment Surges Much More Than Expected In March (5 minute read)
Guess what? The Labor Department dropped a bombshell of a report last Friday, and it's all good news! U.S. employment in March didn’t just rise; it practically soared, leaping up by a whopping 303,000 jobs. That's way more than the mere 200,000 that the economists, with their crystal balls and fancy charts, had predicted.

Remember February's numbers? They were pretty good too, but March said, “Hold my beer,” and did even better. Also, if you're into tiny details, the unemployment rate cheekily dipped from 3.9% to 3.8%. Economists, who expected it to stay put, might need to recalibrate those crystal balls!


Mark Zuckerberg Made $26 Million Per Hour This Year to Swoop into Top 3 Richest (2 minute read)
Mark Zuckerberg, Facebook's (META) head honcho, has climbed back up to being the world's third-richest person, a spot he last cozied into back in 2020 with a cool $105 billion. This time, he's muscled past Elon Musk (TSLA) with a jaw-dropping $187 billion, while Musk trails with $181 billion. These aren't just big numbers; they're mega-gigantic, with Zuckerberg's fortune skyrocketing by $60 billion this year alone, thanks to Meta's value hitting a staggering $1.3 trillion. To put that in perspective, that's $625 million a day, or about $26 million per hour for Zuckerberg.

3 Magnificent Vanguard ETFs to Buy and Hold Forever (5 minute read)
If you're jazzing up your stock portfolio, don't overlook the magic of Exchange-Traded Funds (ETFs) – they're like the Swiss Army knives of investing! These nifty bundles of stocks can dance in and out of your portfolio just like individual stocks, but here's the kicker: they let you dive into a whole range of market sectors or investment styles, depending on your mood or strategy.

Now, let's talk about the rockstars of the ETF world: Vanguard ETFs. These are the cool kids on the block, attracting both newbie investors and the old pros. Why? They've got a rep for solid performance and are as cheap as chips when it comes to fees. So, whether you're aiming for growth, steady income, or a bit of both, throwing a couple of Vanguard ETFs into your long-term investment mix might just be the spice your portfolio needs.


These Are the 4 Best Money Moves for April (5 minute read)
Spring is in the air, and with it comes not just blooming flowers and sunnier skies, but also the not-so-fun task of tax season paperwork. Yep, it's that time of the year when sorting through receipts becomes as common as spring cleaning!

But don't worry, we're here to add a bit of spring to your finances too. Think of it as a financial 'spring clean'! We've got some neat tips to help you reorganize your wallet, along with investment advice to potentially grow your savings. And, if you're juggling federal student loans, especially the older ones, mark your calendars! An important deadline is looming that could affect your loan forgiveness options.


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