📈 BMW Announces Electric Overhaul

Plus: 1 Bargain dividend stock to buy on the dip

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Good Morning!

First off, we've got the lowdown on U.S. consumer sentiment – it's doing a little two-step shuffle, taking a dip for the second month in a row.

While IPOs have been as rare as unicorns lately, Chip maker Arm decided to break the drought and soared an epic 25% in its debut. Talk about a red-carpet entrance!

Now, let's hit the electric avenue. Tesla's got something cooking in the EV manufacturing kitchen - they're on the edge of an EV breakthrough. Meanwhile, BMW is shaking up the world of Minis, with plans to make 'em all electric by 2030.

And to top it all off, we've got a hot tip for you – one bargain dividend stock that's just waiting for you to scoop it up on the dip.

Grab your venti, half-caff, triple-shot, caramel macchiato with extra whipped cream and a sprinkle of cinnamon, and let's get into it! ☕️👇️

First Disruption to Smartphones in 15 Years🤳

Tech Startup With Traction: Turn your phone from a cost to an income source. Intriguing idea, isn't it? This is why, we have our eyes on the launch of Mode Mobile’s Pre-IPO Offering. It’s the latest in a series of impressive raises among smartphone innovators, likely spurred by Apple’s recent $3+ trillion valuation.

Mode saw 150x revenue growth from 2019 to 2022, a leap that has made them one of America’s fastest growing companies. Mode is on a mission to disrupt the entire industry with their "EarnPhone," a budget smartphone that’s helped consumers earn and save $150M+ for activities like listening to music, playing games, and ... even charging their devices?!

Over 11,000 investors already acquired shares — and with only days remaining prior to their bonus tier closing, allocations are limited.

*Disclosure: Please read the offering circular at invest.modemobile.com. This is a paid advertisement for Mode Mobile’s Regulation CF Offering.


U.S. consumer sentiment slips again but inflation outlook improves (5 minute read)
It looks like U.S. consumer sentiment took a little dip for the second month in a row this September, but don't worry, there's a silver lining! According to a survey released on Friday, the folks over at the University of Michigan found that while our mood might be a tad gloomier, we're feeling a bit better about the economy.

It seems like we're all crossing our fingers for lower prices because household expectations for near-term inflation have dropped to their lowest levels in over a year. The Consumer Sentiment Index went from 69.5 in August to 67.7 this month, which is a smidge lower than what the experts were predicting at 69.1.


1 Bargain Dividend Stock to Buy on the Dip (5 minute read)
Despite the saying that a rising tide lifts all boats, it appears that the S&P 500 is sailing smoothly with a 16% gain in 2023, while some individual stocks are riding the waves even higher. But Dollar General (DG) missed the mark in the last quarter, leaving analysts scratching their heads. This retailer has a track record of raking in the dough, which has allowed it to dish out fatter dividend checks. Yet, it's got a cheap price tag right now, and some investors are wondering if that's entirely justified, given Dollar General's knack for keeping costs down.

Chip Designer Arm Defies IPO Drought as Shares Shoot Up 25% in Debut (1 minute read)
Arm (ARM), the chip designer that's in pretty much every smartphone you can find, made its grand entrance on the Nasdaq stage and boy, did it make a splash. It burst out of the gate with a 10% pop on its first trading day, and the excitement, growth prospects, and some sky-high expectations for this AI race champ sent Arm shares soaring by a whopping 25%.

BMW goes full throttle on EVs; Tesla's game changer: This week in EVs (4 minute read)
First up on the electric runway, we've got Tesla (TSLA), who's apparently on the brink of an earth-shaking breakthrough in EV manufacturing – the suspense is electric! And speaking of big moves, BMW is making headlines by splashing a whopping £600 million to give their Mini brand a full-throttle electrification makeover. It's like they're saying, "Mini, meet the future!" Stay tuned for more electrifying updates, folks.


3 Things You Must Do When Your Savings Reach $50,000 (5 minute read)
You've diligently squirreled away your hard-earned cash, and now your savings account is looking quite robust. But guess what? It's time to switch gears from just saving to getting your money to do a little dance of its own. We've got three slick moves that might just turbocharge your wealth, and the best part? It'll only take you a few minutes to dive in and figure out which ones suit you best. Time to make those dollars work harder for you!


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